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Natural remedies for nasal congestion

Woman with nasal congestionSuffering from nasal congestion can be a source of considerable discomfort.  This condition often forces mouth breathing, which can lead to chapped lips and a dry throat.  And having a stuffy nose can certainly be a detriment to getting a good night’s sleep.

The causes of nasal congestion include colds, flus, and allergies.  For some this is a chronic condition, while for others it’s an annoyance that comes and goes.  The membranes that line the nasal passages are the culprits for the annoying symptoms of this ailment.  Having a cold or allergies can cause these membranes to become inflamed and swollen, blocking the nasal passages, making it difficult to breathe freely.

There are plenty of over-the-counter products available to help relieve nasal congestion.  Most of them are not cheap and not all work as well as they claim to.   And oftentimes they produce unwanted side effects such as drowsiness.  The good news is there are home remedies that are effective in helping to alleviate stuffy noses without the high cost and side effects of store-bought medications.

Placing pressure at the correct points on the cheekbones can open the nasal passages and help to relieve a stuffy nose.  Place your index fingers at the bottom of the cheekbones, directly below your pupils.  Place light but firm pressure on these locations while gently pressing up toward the eyes at the same time.  This can be done for a minute or two and repeated when necessary.  

Nasal Strips
Nasal strips, also called breathing strips, work wonders for some people in helping to eliminate nasal stuffiness, especially at bedtime.  They are drug free and available without a prescription.  These strips are placed on the bridge of the nose and the spring-like action of the strip trying to straighten lifts the sides of the nose, thus opening the nasal passage and allowing easier breathing.  They  can be used anytime, day or night, but may invoke some odd stares when worn during the daytime.   

One way to relieve a stuffy nose is to make it runny through the use of spicy foods, and horseradish is an excellent choice to this end.  It can be used in several ways, the simplest being just to sniff some horseradish sauce.  Or it can be eaten on a piece of bread or cracker or any food of choice.

These natural remedies for nasal congestion work very well and cost little to no money at all.  They are excellent alternatives to more expensive medications that sometimes contain harsh chemicals and have undesirable side effects.

Copyright © Darryl on 2017

Editor's Note: Here are some additional resource links that you may find helpful in relation to nasal congestion;
More information on nasal congestion
More home remedies for nasal congestion
More ways of treating nasal congestion with acupressure points
Information on how nasal strips work and how to apply them
A video on using horseradish for sinus and nasal congestion
Tags: health

